Machinery Failure Analysis, Prevention & Troubleshooting

15-07-2024 - 19-07-2024 3800 دبي


Course Introduction:


This course presents a systematic approach to fault diagnosis and failure prevention in a broad range of machinery used in the process, manufacturing, power generation, and mining industries. The key routes to preventive maintenance are demonstrated through both overview and the study of examples in metallurgical failure analysis, vibration analysis, and a sequential approach to machinery troubleshooting and problem solving.


Equipment failure events will be reviewed and participants are encouraged to bring relevant assembly drawings to the course or such components as failed bearings, gears, mechanical seals, and similar machine elements for failure analysis discussion.



Course Objectives:


Upon completion of this course, participants will gain an understanding of structured, results-oriented, root cause failure analysis methods for all types of machine components and entire machinery systems. Participants will also learn how parts fail, why they fail in a given mode, and how to prevent failures. Participants will gain a thorough understanding of making the best possible use of available failure statistics and how these can be used in a conscientiously applied comprehensive program of specifying, purchasing, installing, commissioning, and operating machinery



Who Should Attend?


Maintenance and machinery engineers, supervisors, and technicians involved in machinery operation and troubleshooting. Also, personnel from all process industries (refining, petrochemical, chemical, mining, pharmaceutical, fertilizer, food processing, and utilities).


Course Outline:


  • Session 1: Failure Analysis and Troubleshooting
    • Causes of Machinery Failure
    • Contributing Factors Often Overlooked
  • Session 2: Metallurgical Failure Analysis Methodology
  • Failure Analysis of Bolted Joints
  • Shaft Failures and Their Origins
  • Ductile vs. Brittle Failures and Stress Raisers
  • Redesign Opportunities
  • Wear Failures
  • Couplings, Bearings and Gear Failure Analysis
  • Mechanical Seals and O-Ring Failures – Selection Strategies
  • Session 3: Machinery Component Analysis and Reliability Improvement
  • Session 4: Machinery Component Analysis and Reliability Improvement (Continued)
  • Session 1: Machinery Component Analysis and Reliability Improvement (Continued)
    • Machinery Lubrication Management (Economics & Optimization)
  • Session 2: Vendor Selection and Reliability Review Methods
  • Why Reliability Reviews are Justified
  • Centrifugal Pump Selection Examples
  • Compressor Reliability Review Examples
  • The Matrix Approach to Machinery Troubleshooting (for pumps, compressors, fans, turbines, and others)
  • Examples from Litigation Cases
  • Session 3: Vendor Selection and Reliability Review Methods (Continued)
  • Session 4: Machinery Troubleshooting
  • Session 1: Vibration Analysis - A Management Overview
    • Specific Machinery Problems
    • Monitoring and Analysis Methods
    • Future Outlook
  • Session 2: Structured Problem Solving Sequence
  • Situation Analysis
  • Cause Analysis
  • Action Generation
  • Decision Making
  • Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA) Principles I
  • Session 3: Structured Problem Solving Sequence (Continued)
  • Session 4: Structured Problem Solving Sequence (Continued)
  • Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA) Principles II


Course Methodology:

A variety of methodologies will be used during the course that includes:

·         (30%) Based on Case Studies

·         (30%) Techniques 

·         (30%) Role Play

·         (10%) Concepts

·         Pre-test and Post-test

·         Variety of Learning Methods

·         Lectures

·         Case Studies and Self Questionaires

·         Group Work

·         Discussion

·         Presentation



Course Fees:


To be advised as per the course location. This rate includes participant’s manual, and-Outs, buffet lunch, coffee/tea on arrival, morning & afternoon of each day.


Course Timings:


Daily Course Timings:

    08:00 - 08:20       Morning Coffee / Tea

    08:20 - 10:00       First Session

    10:00 - 10:20       Coffee / Tea / Snacks

    10:20 - 12:20       Second Session

    12:20 - 13:30       Lunch Break & Prayer Break

    13:30 - 15:00       Last Session

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