Lean Maintenance: Reduce Costs, Improve Quality, and Increase Market Share

20-05-2024 - 24-05-2024 3800 دبي


Course Introduction:


Lean Maintenance is a relatively new term, coined in the last decade of the twentieth century, but the principles are well established in Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). Lean Maintenance taking its lead from Lean Manufacturing applies some new techniques to TPM concepts to render a more structured implementation path. To reduce costs and improve production, most large manufacturing and process companies that have embraced the Lean Enterprise concept have taken an approach of building all of the systems and infrastructure throughout the organization. The result of this traditional approach has been erratic implementation efforts that often stall-out, or are terminated, before the benefits come. Plants can accelerate their improvements with much lower risk through the elimination of the defects that create work and impede production efficiency. Optimizing the maintenance function first will both increase maintenance time available to do further improvements and will reduce the defects that cause production downtime. Thus, cost reduction and improved production are immediate results from establishing Lean maintenance operations as the first step in the overall Lean Enterprise transformation.


Lean Maintenance is intended to be a stand-alone teaching text that provides the student with all the terminology (defined), all of the Lean Implementation Processes including techniques for getting the most from the application of each process and all of the planning and sequencing requirements for proceeding with the Lean Maintenance Transformation journey including methodologies and background information. At the same time, or rather after it has served its purpose as a teaching text, Lean Maintenance is intended to be a quick-reference volume to keep with you during your actual journey through the Lean Transformation. We have tried, through the extensive use of charts, tables, and checklists, to make any single piece of information, as well as the sum of all of the information, simple to locate and effortless to understand.



Course Objectives:


Upon successful completion of this course, the delegates will be able to:

  • Apply the latest methodology on lean maintenance resulting to reduce cost, improve quality and increase to market share
  • Determine the history and evolution of lean and identify the principles of lean manufacturing
  • Identify the primary goals and objectives of lean manufacturing and its role in lean environment
  • Discuss Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) using Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) and its origin and properties as well as integrating RCM and TPM



Who Should Attend?


This course is designed to accommodate the needs of directors, managers, superintendents, supervisors, engineers, planners, team leaders, controllers and coordinators who are involved in maintenance, plant/project management, shutdowns and turnarounds, engineering, reliability and asset management.



Course Outline:


Day 1:

Common Ground

The History and Evolution of Lean:

·         Manufacturing Evolves

·         The Influence of Henry Ford

·         Waste the Nemesis of Henry Ford

·         Ford’s Influence on Japanese Manufacturing

·         Japan’s Refinement of Ford’s Mass Production System

·         The Kaizen Process


Lean Manufacturing and Lean Maintenance:

·         Elements of Lean Manufacturing

·         Lean Thinking and the Lean Organization

·         The Role of Maintenance


Governing Principles: What Is Lean and What Is Not:

·         What Lean Manufacturing Isn’t

·         What Lean Manufacturing Is


Day 2:

Relationships in the Lean Environment

·         Information Integration in the Lean Organization

·         Summary of Lean Concepts


Goals and Objectives

The Primary Goals and Objectives of Manufacturing

·         Sales

·         Production

·         The Manufacturing Budget

·         Budget Elements

·         Controlling Costs

·         Optimizing Maintenance as a Cost Control Measure

·         CPU the Bottom Line

·         Growth and Continuous Improvement


Integrating Lean Goals with Maintenance Goals

·         Maintenance Objectives and Goals

·         Maintenance Objectives

·         Maintenance Goals


Day 3:

The Need For, And Gaining, Commitment

·         The First Step: Top Level Management Buy-in

·         The Good

·         The Bad and the Ugly

·         Selling at Each Level


Measuring Progress

·         Metrics

·         Selecting Performance Indicators and Key Performance Indicators

·         Maintain and Publish the Track


Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

TPM (Fine-Tuned) Is Lean Maintenance

·         Elements and Characteristics

·         Organization

·         Work Flow and the Work Order

·         Support Functions

·         Best Maintenance Practices and Maintenance Excellence

·         Maintenance Skills Training and Qualification

·         MRO Storeroom

·         Planning and Scheduling

·         CMMS (Computerized Management Maintenance System)

·         Maintenance Documentation

·         Maintenance Engineering


Day 4:

Fine-Tuning TPM Using Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)

·         What RCM Accomplishes

·         The Origins of RCM

·         Properties of RCM

·         Integrating RCM and TPM

·         Equipment Criticality and Maintenance Priorities

·         Reliability Engineering


Pre-Planning for Lean Maintenance

Gaining Knowledge/Imparting Knowledge

·         Selecting the Lean Maintenance Project Manager

·         Necessary Attributes of Lean Maintenance PM

·         Lean PM Duties and Responsibilities

·         What You (the Lean PM) Should Know

·         Who Else and How to Familiarize Support Activities

·         Educating the Project Team


The Transformation Roadmap

Lean Maintenance Transformation Kick-off Meeting

Phase 1: Developing the POA&M and the Master Plan

Launching the Master Plan (POA&M)

The Sequence of Events

·         Phase 2—The Lean Preparation Phase (Education)

·         5-S (Visual)

·         Standardized Work Flow

·         Value Stream Mapping

·         Just-in-Time (JIT) and Kanban “Pull” System

·         Jidoka (Quality at the Source)—Poka Yoke (Mistake Proofing)

·         Shewhart Cycle (PDSA)

·         Lean Pilot (Phase 3)

·         Selecting the Project

·         The Pilot Kaizen Events


Day 5:

Mobilizing and Expanding the Lean Transformation

Mobilizing Lean in the Maintenance Organization (Phase 4)

·         Teams and Activities in Phase

·         5-S and Visual Cues Campaigns

·         Autonomous Operator Maintenance

·         Action Team Leader Knowledge Sharing

·         Completing Maintenance Mobilization

·         Mobilization Brings Change

·         New Roles for Management and Supervision

·         A Change of Organizational Focus


Expanding the Lean Maintenance Transformation (Phase 5)

·         Lean Expansion Major Efforts

·         Expanding to Purchasing

·         Expansion to Maintenance Engineering

·         Expansion to IT Department


Sustaining Lean—Long Term Execution

Sustaining Continuous Improvement (Phase 6)

·         Applying the Tools

·         Optimizing Maintenance Using Lean Tools



Course Methodology:


A variety of methodologies will be used during the course that includes:

·         (30%) Based on Case Studies

·         (30%) Techniques 

·         (30%) Role Play

·         (10%) Concepts

·         Pre-test and Post-test

·         Variety of Learning Methods

·         Lectures

·         Case Studies and Self Questionaires

·         Group Work

·         Discussion

·         Presentation


Course Fees:


This rate includes participant’s manual, Hand-Outs, buffet lunch, coffee/tea on arrival, morning & afternoon of each day.


Course Timings:


Daily Course Timings:

    08:00 - 08:20       Morning Coffee / Tea

    08:20 - 10:00       First Session

    10:00 - 10:20       Coffee / Tea / Snacks

    10:20 - 12:20       Second Session

    12:20 - 13:30       Lunch Break & Prayer Break

    13:30 - 15:00       Last Session

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