Basic Well Log Analysis

14-04-2025 - 18-04-2025 4200 Istanbul


Course Introduction:


The course assumes no logging knowledge and seeks to establish an understanding of basic petrophysical measurements and interpretation techniques which can be applied to routine tasks, and upon which more complex and advanced information and interpretive techniques can be built.


The course strives to provide a strong and coherent foundation for the understanding of other, specialized interpretation techniques involving well log data, which are not covered here.



Course Objectives:


Upon successful completion of this course, the delegates will be able to:

ü  Describe the acquisition process for both wireline and LWD measurements

ü  Scan a well log to determine zones that potentially could be hydrocarbon productive, and to check for log quality

ü  Convert formation and drilling fluid properties for temperature, and make other basic well log environmental corrections

ü  Determine porosity using one or more logs

ü  Infer lithology from the logs, and know how the logs are affected by lithologic changes

ü  Understand how the Archie parameters are obtained, so that together with log data, water saturation and hydrocarbon saturation can be derived

ü  Understand how pattern recognition and graphical techniques can be used to determine computation parameters as well as properties of interest

ü  Understand how to judge the reservoir and completion qualities of shale gas reservoirs using basic logging techniques and more advanced measurements, as well as the value of other measurement types in an integrated interpretation



Who Should Attend?


This course is intended for all geologists, engineers and technicians who work with open hole logs and who want to understand the fundamentals of what the measurements are, what affects them, and how they are used to estimate the properties of interest in the subsurface. This basic course will be useful to new personnel in the oil and gas industry as well as to more experienced professionals that want a review.



Course Outline:


Day 1:

  • Introduction to well logging
  • Log classification according to measured properties
  • Auxiliary tools
  • Pressure and Temperature Interpretation
  • SP. Static Spontaneous Potential
  • Factors Affecting the SP
  • Applications
  • Anomalies
  • Rw Determination
  • Gamma Ray
  • Applications
  • Calibration
  • Spectral GR
  • Vshale Determination


Day 2:

  • Resistivity Tools
  • Principles and Applications
  • Laterolog
  • Induction
  • Microresistivity tools
  • Environmental Corrections
  • Rt Determination
  • Nuclear Tools
  • Natural and Induced Radioactivity
  • Formation Density Tools
  • Principles and Applications
  • Compensated Neutron Tool
  • Environmental Corrections
  • Crossplot porosity determination
  • Log compatible scales


Day 3:

  • Compensated Sonic
  • Dipolar Sonic
  • Wave Propagation
  • Coherence Maps
  • Mechanical Properties
  • Sonic Porosity
  • Lithology Determination
  • Shale deposition types
  • Porosity and lithology from well logs
  • Applications


Day 4:

  • Crossplot utilization
  • Lithology Identification
  • Graphical interpretation using crossplots
  • Saturation Determination
  • Archie Equation
  • Archie Parameters, Rw, m and n determination methods
  • Dual Water model
  • Saturation determination exercises


Day 5:

·         Acquisition process for both wireline and LWD measurements

·         Scan a well log to determine zones that potentially could be hydrocarbon productive

·         Convert formation and drilling fluid properties for temperature,

o   Basic well log environmental corrections

·         Porosity using one or more logs

·         Infer lithology from the logs

o   Lithologic changes

·         Archie parameters

o   Log data

o   Water saturation and hydrocarbon saturation

·         Pattern recognition and graphical techniques

o   computation parameters as well as properties of interest

·         Reservoir and completion qualities of shale gas reservoirs using basic logging techniques and more advanced measurements, as well as the value of other measurement types in an integrated interpretation





Course Methodology:


A variety of methodologies will be used during the course that includes:

·         (30%) Based on Case Studies

·         (30%) Techniques 

·         (30%) Role Play

·         (10%) Concepts

·         Pre-test and Post-test

·         Variety of Learning Methods

·         Lectures

·         Case Studies and Self Questionaires

·         Group Work

·         Discussion

·         Presentation


Course Fees:


This rate includes participant’s manual, Hand-Outs, buffet lunch, coffee/tea on arrival, morning & afternoon of each day.


Course Timings:


Daily Course Timings:

    08:00 - 08:20       Morning Coffee / Tea

    08:20 - 10:00       First Session

    10:00 - 10:20       Coffee / Tea / Snacks

    10:20 - 12:20       Second Session

    12:20 - 13:30       Lunch Break & Prayer Break

    13:30 - 15:00       Last Session

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