Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Characterization & Analysis

24-02-2025 - 28-02-2025 4200 Istanbul


Course Introduction:


This five-day course covers reservoir engineering, well testing, and simulation aspects of naturally fractured reservoirs. Specifics include: fracture description, connectivity and network; fracture properties; physical principles underlying reservoir engineering and modeling naturally fractured reservoirs; local and global effects of viscous, capillary, gravity and molecular diffusion flow; dual-porosity/dual-permeability models; multi-scale fracture model; dual-mesh model; streamline model; transient testing with non-Darcy flow effects; tracer injection and breakthrough analysis; geomechanics and fractures; compositional model; coal-bed gas model; oil and gas from fractured shale; improved and enhanced oil recovery in naturally fracture reservoirs.



Course Objectives:


Upon successful completion of this course, the delegates will be able to:

ü  Define what is a fracture reservoir

ü  Appreciate the economic importance of fractured reservoirs

ü  Identify and quantify the characterization of fractured reservoirs

ü  Understand reservoir modeling of fractured reservoirs

ü  Discover the typical behavior of fractured reservoirs

ü  Improve the management of fractured reservoirs

ü  Detect and predict subsurface natural fracture occurrence and intensity from cores and well logs

ü  Determine fractured rock properties affecting reservoir performance

ü  Design and analyze pressure transient tests in naturally-fractured reservoirs

ü  Evaluate reservoir performance in naturally-fractured reservoirs

ü  Develop and apply numerical simulation models to fluid-flow in naturally-fractured reservoirs

ü  Apply coupled geomechanics/fluid-flow behavior to reservoir management strategies in naturally fractured reservoirs

ü  Evaluate the impact of natural fractures on hydraulic fracture stimulation


Who Should Attend?


This course is intended for all engineers and geoscientists interested in a multi-disciplinary approach to evaluating and predicting the overall effect of natural fractures on subsurface fluid-flow and subsequent reservoir performance.



Course Outline:


Day 1:


  • Fracture classification and fracture fill types
  • Modes of formation of natural fractures
  • Introduction to the stress tensor & Tectonic stresses
  • Stresses and rock failure
  • Failure envelopes
  • Natural fracture system controls
  • Regional Fractures
  • Joint spacing vs layer thickness
  • Tectonic Folds
  • Fold related fractures
  • Fault related fracturing
  • Fault damage zones
  • Miscellaneous natural fracture origins


Day 2:


  • Wellbore sampling
  • Fracture detection (fracture density)
  • Fracture Aperture
  • Fracture distribution
  • Fracture orientation
  • Fracture sets, types & fill
  • Fracture Permeability


Day 3:


  • Maximum horizontal stress (Shmax) orientation
  • Vertical stress (Sv)
  • Minimum horizontal stress (Shmin) magnitudes
  • Maximum horizontal stress (Shmax) magnitudes
  • Rock properties
  • Failure criteria
  • Failure envelopes
  • Influence of in-situ stress on fracture permeability


Day 4:


  • Geocellular reservoir models
  • Calculating fracture permeability in a property grid
  • Analytical effective fracture permeability tensor
  • Fracture matrix interaction
  • Percolation theory
  • Fracture system connectivity
  • Representative elementary volume
  • Discrete Fracture Network models



  • Basic Principles
  • Rock Properties
  • Well Productivity
  • Well testing
  • Recovery mechanisms
  • Modeling of fractured reservoirs


Day 5:

  • Influence of mechanical stratigraphy and structure on fracture development
  • Detection and prediction of subsurface natural-fracture occurrence and intensity from cores and well logs
  • Fractured rock properties affecting reservoir performance
  • Classification of naturally-fractured reservoirs with reservoir examples and potential production problems
  • Naturally-fractured reservoirs: fluid-flow, well performance and well testing, reservoir performance, numerical simulation
  • Geomechanics/fluid-flow
  • Behavior and stimulation of naturally-fractured reservoirs
  • Effects of natural fractures on reservoir permeability, anisotropy, drainage area, and waterflood sweep efficiency




Course Methodology:


A variety of methodologies will be used during the course that includes:

·         (30%) Based on Case Studies

·         (30%) Techniques 

·         (30%) Role Play

·         (10%) Concepts

·         Pre-test and Post-test

·         Variety of Learning Methods

·         Lectures

·         Case Studies and Self Questionaires

·         Group Work

·         Discussion

·         Presentation


Course Fees:


This rate includes participant’s manual, Hand-Outs, buffet lunch, coffee/tea on arrival, morning & afternoon of each day.


Course Timings:


Daily Course Timings:

    08:00 - 08:20       Morning Coffee / Tea

    08:20 - 10:00       First Session

    10:00 - 10:20       Coffee / Tea / Snacks

    10:20 - 12:20       Second Session

    12:20 - 13:30       Lunch Break & Prayer Break

    13:30 - 15:00       Last Session

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